Unable To Have An Orgasm

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Can’t Orgasm? A lot of er guys are not going to believe that some men can’t orgasm. Nor would they believe that some men can get a decent erection but can’t orgasm.

Female Sexual Anatomy What Makes A Woman Orgasm? As there are normal variations in breast size and shape, so there are differences in the vulva.This is the anatomical term for woman’s external genital organs.

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Learn more about healthy sexual function from Health and Wellness Education at IU Health Center.

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A fake orgasm occurs when a person pretends to have an orgasm without actually experiencing one. It usually involves simulating or acting out behaviors typically associated with orgasm, such as body movements, vocal sounds, and sequences of intensification followed by apparent release.

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using the male sexual arousal cycle to achieve multliple orgasms and control ejaculation with the PC muscle

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Anonymous asks: My manfriend and I really love each other and have a lot in common, but while I’m incredibly sexual, he has little to no interest in sexuality.

Feb 16, 2016 · Many women have to make an unfair choice between mental wellness and having a sex life.

New research suggests that a simple measurement — a “rule of thumb” — might be the key to the pleasures of sexual intercourse.. About 75 percent of all women never reach orgasm from intercourse alone — that is without the extra help of …

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An explanation of the causes, cures and treatment of delayed ejaculation.

Q: I am 41 and had a hysterectomy one year ago. I would like to know if that is why I can’t have an orgasm when I have sex with my manfriend. Aside from the lack of orgasm, the sex is quite good.