Nude Male Centerfold

Nudity, or nakedness, is the state of wearing no clothing. The deliberate and conscious wearing of clothing is a behavioural adaptation, which among all known extant and extinct s is a uniquely human characteristic arising from functional needs such as protection from the elements.

Greg Louganis centerfold. Olympic diver Greg Louganis in a rare, vintage and extremely erotic nude celebrity photo shoot from the August 1987 issue of Playteen magazine.

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Long before he was a politician, this Republican senator posed nude in the centerfold of Cosmo.

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Bio. Exotic, curvy and beautiful, 22-year-old Layton Benton is a delicious blend of Puerto Rican, Dominican and African-American and was born and raised in the Bay area.

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The centerfold or centrefold of a magazine refers to a gatefolded spread, usually a portrait such as a pin-up or a nude, inserted in the middle of the publication, or to the model featured in the portrait.

Justin Bieber’s ed nudes The timing of this particular nude photo leak is awfully suspicious. Right on the heels of Orlando Bloom’s act of… Delicious Francesco Della Vedova It’s the very delicious Francesco Della Vedova looking Spartan in …

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