In 1991, Yugoslavia began to break up along ethnic lines. When the republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosnia) declared independence in 1992 the region quickly became the central theater of fighting. The Serbs targeted Bosniak and Croatian civilians in a campaign of ethnic cleansing. The war in
BY: Tongun Lo Loyuong, SOUTH SUDANESE, MAY/24/2013, SSN; Current attempts and efforts being made by various South Sudanese political, religious and civil society actors at overcoming tribalism in South Sudan are encouraging and commendable. But much is left to be desired if the Republic is to be liberated from the mental slavery of …
USAID is helping Afghanistan become a more responsible and integrated member of the region and the world. Great strides have been made in health and education, bringing more Afghans back into economic and civic life. Institutions that can accountably respond to people’s needs and aspirations are being restored. Investments in infrastructure and …
We offer custom personalized and powerful Voodoo Spells for many specific reasons. They range from simple offerings and prayers with candle magic to elaborate Voodoo Rituals taking several days and many preparations of magic potions, powders, talismans and other items. We cannot know in advance what your specific case requires, so we …
This article lists incidents that have been termed ethnic cleansing by some academic or legal experts. Not all experts agree on every case, particularly since there are a variety of definitions for the term ethnic cleansing.Where claims of ethnic cleansing originate from non-experts (e.g., journalists or politicians) this is noted.
By Dr. Gregory H. Stanton President, Genocide Watch. When the Genocide Convention was passed by the United Nations in 1948, the world said, “Never again.”
Shamanic Ritual and Practice Introduction and Overview Shamanic practices you may have heard of, such as retrieving a power or returning a soul part, are complex mixtures of ability, technique, perhaps ritual, and most importantly, a strong relationship with one’s spirit helpers.
Statements were single-spaced to save paper. Double-space your actual personal statement and addenda. More tips for law college can …
Are ethnically diverse societies a source of instability? Or would their alternative, “mono-ethnic” societies, be even more unstable? Ultimately, won’t