Whats The Normal Size Penis

Whats The Normal Size Penis 34

Nov 12, 2012 · nothing beats a good ol’ slam the mans on their ‘size’ thread,you only have about a hundred of them here already teens,whats another one right?

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Condom size survey. A survey made by Durex, reported that the length of an erect penis can range from 4 to 9 inches, while penis width varies from 1 inch to 2 inches (and more).

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Whats The Normal Size Penis 101

Penis size is a great concern for a lot of people, every man has wondered if his size is normal or not. Porn, myths and exaggeration (specially on the net) are making people less confident about the sizes of their penises, and true information is …

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Like their owners, penises come in a veritable rainbow of colors. However, many men are concerned about the appearance of their penis skin when it …

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Comments and opinions by visitors about penissizedebate.com and penis size in general.

Hii was looking on the internet for help because i am so angry that i have the same problem as these guys i am only 12 years old and my penis is the size of my pinky when i was 10 years old i used to speak to my mother about how my penis used to feel really tingly and never knew what that meant well my friend said that to stop the weird

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I have heard from a few readers who have courageously asked me to address an issue that most women wouldn’t even want to discuss with their closest teenfriend. I also happen to have a friend who experiences the same struggle and has talked to me about it (I guess this is the benefit of having a friend like me who will talk about anything sexual).

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Comments and opinions by visitors about penissizedebate.com and penis size in general.

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This is a film I made (The Author) in 2005 for the BBC. “I guess this thing is about having a small dick, and it’s horrible saying that because it’s true…. And why is it such a problem? This is what this film is about”. My Penis and I follows my two-year journey to discover if size …