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Aug 05, 2012 · Amanpour asked Sinclair if the 11-year-old Afghan teen married in 2005, and others like her, consummate their marriages at such an early age. Sinclair says while many Afghans told her the men would wait until , women pulled her aside to tell her that indeed the men do have sex with the pre brides.

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“In terms of speed to sex, you’re right, it will take more time for women over 33 assuming you are also over age 33. No getting around that.” Interesting.

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Want to write articles too? Sign up & become a writer! 55 comments on 50 Reasons Why Women Date Old Men. Notify me when comments are posted to this article

Birds do it, bees do it, and men do it any old time. But women will only do it if the candles are scented just right — and their partner has done the dishes first. A stereotype, sure, but is it true? Do men really have stronger sex drives than women? Well, yes, they do. Study after study shows that

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I spent about a year dating almost exclusively women older than myself. What follows are my observations from that time in my life. For the purpose of this post, by “older women” I do not mean old women or women of any certain age or age range; I mainly mean women who are older than the man in question.