Journals Russian

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OMICS International publishes 700+ Open Access Journals in the fields of Clinical, Medical, Life Science, Pharma, Environmental, Engineering and Management.

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Only ranks, far more than raw data. Scimago Institutions Rankings is a science evaluation resource to assess worldwide universities and research-focused institutions.

About Project MUSE. Project MUSE is a leading provider of digital humanities and social sciences content; since 1995, its electronic journal collections have supported a wide array of research needs at academic, public, special, and college libraries worldwide.

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Journals. Section “Mathematical journals” is a key component of the portal. The section unites Russian periodical editions in Mathematics as a whole informational system.

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About Open Academic Journals Index . Warning: The journals that do not load the articles will be deleted. Open Academic Journals Index (OAJI) is a full-text database of open-access scientific journals.

The Russian Review is a multi-disciplinary academic journal devoted to the history, literature, culture, fine arts, cinema, society, and politics of the peopl

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Part of the academic community. Our commitment to the academic community and to global dissemination are the touchstones of our journals publishing program.