How To Make An Orgasm Longer

If you want to give her the best orgasm of her life, it’s important to take it slow and create tension. If you focus on the build up, you’re way ahead of 95% of guys.

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Explains all about Jason Julius’s work – Orgasm Arts – and how it can help men give women massive whole body orgasms.

Learning how to give the teen you like an orgasm, and make her cum hard might be one of the most important things you learn as a man.. And yet so few men take the time to learn how to do it properly…

FREE eBook 1 “Expanded Orgasm Revealed” How is an Expanded Orgasm different than a “regular” orgasm? How a woman can stay in Expanded Orgasm for 5, 10, 30, 45 minutes or longer!?!

A woman’s orgasm may last slightly longer or much longer than a man’s. Women’s orgasms have been estimated to last, on average, approximately 20 seconds, and to consist of a series of muscular contractions in the pelvic area that includes the vagina, the uterus, and the anus.

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CLICK HERE for Edging Will Make Your Orgasm More Powerful Guide! Add Inches to Your Length & Girth and Learn How to Attract Women Naturally! CLICK HERE Now!

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Here are some ways to extend your man’s sexual stamina, and more likely have an orgasm yourself in the process.

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Official Home of the Female Orgasm Blueprint by Jason Julius. Orgasm Arts exclusive Female Orgasm Blueprint videos.

Hi guys: I’m a 15 male, not in a relationship, and really doubt I’ll be having intercourse any time soon. However, given that I have the time, commitment and attitude for it I thought it might be a good idea to train myself to last longer for intercourse, so that when the time does come I feel, y’no, good about myself.

Making His/Herstory. This is the 8th year of the Global Orgasm for World Peace, held annually on the December Solstice & New Year. Millions of satistfied people around the world have participated, saying Yes! to World Peace in their own special way.

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