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WBRC FOX6 sports reporter Christina Chambers caught up with Tatum to discuss his love of motorcycles, going fast and – of course – Alabama football.

Wilson gave his account of the incident in an interview with a detective on August 10, and in testimony before the grand jury in September.Wilson said he had just left a call involving a sick person when he heard on his radio that there was a theft in progress at a local convenience store.

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New York collegeman ‘made $72million trading stocks on his lunch breaks’ – and now takes his friends out to dine on $400 caviar, drives a BMW and has definitely made his immigrant parents proud

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John Bruce “Jack” Thompson (born July 25, 1951) is an American activist and disbarred attorney, based in Coral Gables, Florida.Thompson is known for his role as an anti-video-game activist, particularly against and sex in video games.

Dec 04, 2014 · Protesters poured onto the streets of New York late Wednesday, upset over a grand jury’s decision not to indict a police officer in the death of Eric Garner.

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Autistic man, 16, is arrested after ‘shooting dead his mom, man, teen and family friend with a semi-automatic rifle’ just minutes before midnight in New Year’s Eve massacre

The Grand Report is an American hip hop, urban, news video blog site that show emphasis on current events, reality tv and random shock videos from across the world.

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